Blackleg by CI. chauvoel, Malignant edema caused by CI. septicum, Bacillary hemoglobinuria caused by CI. haemolyticum, Black disease caused by CI. novyi, Gas-gangrene caused by CI. sordellii, Enterotoxemia and enteritis caused by CI. perfringens types B, C and D
Clostridium chauvoei - Cl. septicum - Cl. haemolyticum - Cl. novyi - Cl. sordellii - Cl. perfringens types C and D bacterin-toxoid (killed)
Aids in the prevention of diseases caused by the clostridial agents indicated above
Helps provide protection in a tissue-friendly 2 ml dose against 8 major clostridial diseases (including diseases caused by CI. haemolyticum and CI. perfringens types B, C and D)